How to make cinnamon water for weight loss | Cinnamon and lemon for belly fat | Cinnamon For Flat Stomach

An easy found substance in the local market ,Yes the cinnamon you read most about this before reaching my blog

It is rich in Vitamin A,Vitamin B,C b6, Cobalamin (bit b9) vitamins D calcium potassium calcium iron as you a small stick with lot of properties .

Let's talk about lemon contains 89% of water rich source of vitamin c potassium vit b 6 and fibers .

Never passed in your mind that the simple combination of above elements can make you stomach flat make you look more sexy then ever that red tea actually works if you know how to make this in a perfect way so let's begin with out wasting more time


1 litter of water

4 sticks of cinnamon

1/2 lemon

Grab a pan and put on fire add one litter of water leave it until it boils when it starts boiling add 4 sticks of cinnamon leave until they mix very well with water for 10mimutes on medium fire and fill the cup add the lemon according to test and drink .

Sweat and suggary itoms should be avoided minus the quantity of sugar in tea coffee .

Avoid bread fried substances in the meal add milk yogurt and vegetables in your diet believe me cinnamon stick will work like a magic stick to flay your belly


Questions 1: how to drink hot or cold ?

Note you can drink hot or cold it has same benefits

Question 2: How many times we can drink

15 minutes before breakfast lunch and breakfast

If you don't like the taste of cinnamon add some water to make it more diluent .