Ben Stokes england Captain's tweet goes viral after seconds when he said i am donating my full match fees from this series to the pakistani flood appeal .

Melbourne born england captain an All-rounder left handed-middle order batsman and right arm fast bowler.

Although he holds many records but let's mention his 258 runns in 2015 England tour to south Africa standing sixth position and also shares world record with Johny Bairstow for six wicket stand in test.

Remember a three match upcoming series between England and Pakistan will be held from Dec 9 to 21 this Year .

The tweet was retweeted by 11.4k moslty by pakistani saying that's a great Sign from england team captain retwitted thanks and sending love 💕 emoji for Ben Stokes

He also said I earned a lot from cricket this is a time to donate this match fees to the pakistani flood affected people's .

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Prime minister pakistani Mr.Shahbaz Sharif also praised and twitted that we appreciate the kind gesture of england captain Ben Stokes for donating his entire fees of test series to the flood effected victims of pakistan .

Pakistan was in international headline this year when heavy flood affted major provinces of pakistan like sindh punjab balochistan and KPK more then 15 hundered people lost their lives because of heavy flood 

Started in 14th june 2022 non stop until it caused a major damage to the already struggling pakistani economy almost more then 3 Trillion of major economical loss And major economical crisis hitted the pakistan .

Many international organization already donated billion of Pakistani rupees to Pakistan .

Recently when Ben Stokes england when twitted it was a good gesture and great sign of huminity .